Awards and Honors


John Arimond “DTM Wind Blade Tooling by 6m Wide 3D Printing,” JEC 2025 Composites Innovation Award Finalist

Katie Cophenhaver, Lu Wang, Matt Korey, Douglas Gardner, Kai Li, Meghan Lamm, Vidya Kishore, Samarthya Bhagia, Mehdi Tajvidi, Halil Telkinalp, Oluwamfemi Oyedeji, Sanjita Wasti, Erin Webb, Art Ragauskas, Hongli Zhu, William Peter, and Soydan Ozcan – “Recycling of natural fiber composites: Challenges and opportunities” Resources, Conservation & Recycling Most Cited Paper Award 2024


James C. Haller, Jr., Jacob C. Clark, James T. Gayton, Michael S. Hunter, Andrew P. Schanck, Cody A. Sheltra, William G. Davids, Roberto A. Lopez-Anido, and Justin L. Lapp – “Novel Field-Manufacturing Methods for Long-Fiber Thermoplastic Composites,CAMX 2024 Outstanding Technical Paper


Roberto Lopez-Anido – 2023 Maine Distinguished Professor, University of Maine Alumni Association, February 2023

Amrit Verma – 2023 Early Career Teaching Award, University of Maine College of Engineering and Computing

Amrit Verma – 2023 Teaching Faculty of the Year Award, Sigma Phi Epsilon, University of Maine Chapter

Cong Chen – Second Place “Transparent Nanocellulose-Metal Ion Films for Food Packaging”, Forest Products Society (FPS) Wood Award, June 9, 2023

BioHome3D – Aubin AM Case Study Award

BioHome3D – CAMX 2023 Combined Strength Award, November 1st, 2023


Bashir Khoda – Nomination, University of Maine Office of International Programs’ Mel McClure Global Community Impact Award

Masoud Rais-Rohani – Certificate of Appreciation, AIAA


Habib Dagher – 2021 Academic Pioneer Award, American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA).

Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, Dr. Sunil Bhandari, James Anderson, and Alexander Mann – Best Paper Award, 2021 ANTEC Conference for a paper titled: Large-Scale Extrusion-Based 3D Printing for Highway Culvert Rehabilitation

James Anderson, Douglas Gardner, Yousoo Han, and Habib Dagher – CAMX Innovation in Green Composites Design.

UMaine Composites Center – Best Paper at the Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering & Technology Symposium (GVSETS), August 2021

Bill Davids – Inaugural Holder of the Russell S. Bodwell University Distinguished Professor.

Andrew Goupee – Inaugural Holder of the Donald A. Grant Professor of Mechanical Engineeringecipient of the 2021 Academic Pioneer Award, American Composites Manufacturing Association (ACMA).

Habib Dagher – Inaugural Recipient of the 2021 Academic Pioneer Award, American Composites Manufacturing Association (ACMA).


Andrew Schanck – University Transportation Center Outstanding Student of the Year

Abram Karam – 2020 Outstanding Graduating Student in the College of Engineering


UMaine Composites Center – World’s Largest Polymer 3D Printer, Guinness World Records, October 10, 2019

UMaine Composites Center – World’s Largest Solid 3D Printed Object, Guinness World Records, October 10, 2019

UMaine Composites Center – World’s Largest 3D Printed Boat, Guinness World Records, October 10, 2019


Matthew Ireland – J. Morris Weinberg Student Innovation Award, April 2018

Hannah Allen – Best Presentation at the UMaine 2018 Student Symposium on Research and Creative Activity, April 2018

Yi Peng – 2018 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, April 2018

Jacob Ward – 2nd Place 2018 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Student Paper Competition for a paper titled: Design and Numerical Simulation of a Variable-Scale Floating Offshore Model Test Turbine, July 2018.

Dr. Douglas Gardner – Distinguished Educator Award from the Society of Wood Science and Technology, November 2018


Dr. Habib Dagher – Innovator of the Year, Windpower Engineering and Development Magazine, April 2017.

Dr. Habib Dagher – Top 25 Newsmaker of 2016 by Engineering-News Record

Dr. Douglas Gardner, Dr. Mehdi Tajvidi – 1st place George Marra Award for Excellence in Writing by the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST), May 2017.

UMaine Composites Center – Innovator of the Year Award, Maine International Trade Center, May 2017.

Dr. Habib Dagher – 50 Mainers Charting the State’s Future by Maine Magazine

Dr. Habib Dagher – Distinguished Faculty Award, Sigma Phi Epsilon, University of Maine, April 2017.

Sunil Bhandari – Edward T. Bryand Graduate Research Award, November 2017.

Dr. Douglas Gardner – Dr. Jackie Rehkopf Second Place Best Paper Award, 2017 SPE Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition, September 2017.


Lu Wang –  Engineers Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition (ACCE) Graduate Scholarship – Awarded by the Society of Plastics Engineers at the 2016 SPE Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition in Detroit, MI, September 7-9, 2016.


Dr. Habib Dagher – 2015 White House Transportation Champion of Change – View the award ceremony

Matthew Fowler – 2015 George and Caterina Sakellaris Graduate Fellowship – University of Maine, Orono, ME, U.S.

Dr. Bill Davids – 2015 Distinguished Maine Professor – University of Maine, Orono, ME, U.S.

Nadir Yildirim – Phase 0 KickStarter Award ($5000.00) for Small Business Innovation Research / Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR), November 2014, Maine Technology Institute (MTI), Brunswick, ME, US.

Nadir Yildirim – 2015 Blumenstock Family Forest Products Student of the Year – School of Forest Resources, April 24, 2015, University of Maine, Orono, ME, US.

Nadir Yildirim – 1st Place Prize ($5000.00), UMaine Business Challenge, April 25, 2015, University of Maine, Orono, ME, US.

Nadir Yildirim – Edith Patch Outstanding PhD. Student Award, College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture, April 2015, University of Maine, Orono, ME, US.

Andrew Young – 2nd place in the 2015 Grad Expo Physical Sciences & Technology Poster Competition for poster titled: “Behavior and Optimization of Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator Devices for Spacecraft Re-Entry,” April 2015.


Nadir Yildirim – National Science Foundation STTR Phase I: Eco-friendly Thermal Insulation Composite Foam Boards – $224,996

Matthew Fowler – Best Paper of Ocean Renewable Energy Symposium OMAE 2014 – Awarded at ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2015) conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland

2014 Best Student Paper Award for the paper titled “Fiber Optic Sensor for Measuring the Bending Moment of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Composite Tower” at the 64th Maine Transportation Conference in Augusta, ME, to Yi Peng.

2014 Community Service Award by Turkish Cultural Center of Maine, to Dr. Habib Dagher.

2014 College of Engineering at University of Maine, Sakellaris Graduate Fellowship, to Kyle Warren, graduate student.

19th SNAME Offshore Symposium, “Best Paper” Award, to Anthony Viselli, P.E., Habib Dagher, Ph.D., and Andrew Goupee, Ph.D., February 6, 2014.

Perkin-Elmer Instruments Company and the Composites Division of SPE, 2013-2014 Graduate Scholarship Award, to Alper Kizilitas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources.

2014 Society of Plastic Engineers, Polymer Modifiers and Additives Division Challenge Competition Award, to Esra Erbas Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate.

2014 Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) Distinguished Service Award (DSA), to Douglas J. Gardner, Ph.D., School of Forest Resources, June 2014.

University of Maine Graduate School, Graduate Trustee Tuition Scholarship, to Nicholas Willey, graduate student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2014.

University of Maine and Statewide, Student Employee of the Year, to Mark Dwyer, undergraduate student in Engineering, 2014.

Award Recipient of the 2013-2014 Maine Economic Improvement Fund (MEIF) Fellowship, to Melanie Blumentritt, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources.


The Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR), 2013 Research and Creative Academic Achievement Fellowship, to Jameson Ford, undergraduate student in Psychology.

College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture at the University of Maine, Outstanding Ph.D. Award, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, March 1, 2013.

2013 College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture, Outstanding Service Award, to Spencer Meyer, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources.

2013 George F. Dow Graduate Scholarship Fund, Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources.

Graduate Certificate in Advanced Engineered Wood Composites, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, May 11, 2013.

Liberty Mutual Summer Internship, to Dilasha Dixit, undergraduate student in Finance and Accounting, June-August 2013.

2013 Microscopy & Microanalysis Meeting Award, to Melanie Blumentritt, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, to attend the Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013 Meeting this coming August to present her research, March 2013.

Outstanding Masters Award, to Alisha Autio, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, March 18, 2013.

2013 PMAD CHALLENGE: North American College Student Technical Writing Competition conducted by the Polymer Modifiers and Additives Division (PMAD) of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), Honorable Mention to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, April 2013.

2013 PMAD CHALLENGE: North American College Student Technical Writing Competition, Honorable Mention to Esra Erbas Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate, April 2013.

The Society of Plastic Engineers, 2013-2014 Extrusion Division/Lew Erwin Memorial Scholarship, to Alex Nash, undergraduate student in Civil Engineering, April 2, 2013.

The Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), hosted by the Polymer Modifiers and Additives Division (PMAD), 2013 PMAD CHALLENGE: North American College Student Technical Writing Competition, Fourth Place, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, April 2013.

Undergraduate Research Competition (CUGR), University of Maine, Honorable Mention (fourth place), to Alex Nash, undergraduate student in Civil Engineering, for an oral presentation, April 17, 2013.

The University of Maine and the University of Maine SystemStudent Employee of the Year Award, to Dan Whitney.

2013 University of Maine Graduate Academic Exposition (GradExpo), First Place Recipient of the Graduate Dean’s Undergraduate Mentoring Award, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, March 1, 2013.

2013 University of Maine Graduate Academic Exposition (GradExpo), Fourth Place in Posters, to Heather Parry, M.S. Candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering, March 2013.

2013 University of Maine Graduate Academic Exposition (GradExpo), Second Place in the Oral Presentation Competition for Natural Sciences, to Nadir Yildirim, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, March 2013.

2013 University of Maine Graduate Academic Exposition (GradExpo)Second Place in the Poster Presentation Competition in the Category of Physical Sciences & Technology, to Hannah Breton, M.S. candidate in Civil Engineering, March 2013.

University of Maine, 2013 Trustee Tuition Scholarship, to Esra Erbas Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate, April 2, 2013.

USM Graduate Student Employee of the Year, Liz Miller, graduate assistant.

The Wood Preservation Fund Scholarship, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, May 15, 2013.

The Society of Plastic Engineers (SPE), Composites Division, 2013 Perkin Elmer Award, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources.


Northeast Geotechnical Graduate Research Symposium, First Prize, to Harold Walton, Ph.D. candidate in Civil Engineering, for his presentation, October 1, 2012.

2012 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation, Northeastern University, Graduate Student Fellowship, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, July 9-12, 2012.

The Society of Plastic Engineers SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition (ACCE), First Place in a Graduate Student Poster Competition, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, September 11-13, 2012.

The Society of Plastic Engineers SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition (ACCE), Graduate Scholarship Award, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. candidate in Forest Resources, August 1, 2012.

Society of Wood Science and Technology Student Poster Competition 2nd Place awarded to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. in Forest Resources and Graduate Research Assistant, for his poster “Characterizing Dried Cellulose Nanofibrils. August 2012

Society of Wood Science and Technology Fellow Award to Dr. Doug Gardner, Professor of Wood Science and Technology, for his significant contributions to the wood science and technology profession, August 2012.

Society of Plastics Engineers Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition Graduate Scholarship Award to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. student in Forest Resources and Graduate Research Assistant, to support his research developing new composite materials for use in the automotive industry, August 2012.

Society of Wood Science and Technology, George Marra Award, to William Davids, Stephen M. Shaler and their co-authors R. Lagana and L. Muszynski for their paper “Moment-Curvature Analysis of Coupled Bending and Mechano-sorptive Response of Red Spruce Beams,” Wood and Fiber Science, 2011, 43(3): 280-292.

2012 G. Peirce and Florence Pitts Webber Outstanding Researcher in Forest Resources Award, awarded to Dr. Doug Gardner.

Challenge Grant Contest, Honorable Mention, to Esra Erbas Kiziltas, for her research proposal “Synthesis of Bacterial Cellulose in The Presence of Different Nanoscale Particulates for Reinforced Nanocomposites,” April 2012.

Challenge Grant Contest, Honorable Mention, to Alper Kiziltas, for his research proposal “Utilization of Carpet Waste as Matrix in Natural Filler-Filled Engineering Thermoplastic Composites for Automotive Applications,” April 2012.

Society of Plastic Engineers, Honorable Mention, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. student, for his poster presentation “Polyamide 6 reinforced by cellulosic micro-/nano-fibers”, March 2012

Society of Plastic Engineers, Honorable Mention, to Esra Erbas Kizlitas, Ph.D. student, for her poster presentation “Preparation and Characterization of Transparent Pmma-Based Nanocomposites Enhanced with Different Cellulose Nanofibrils” March 2012.

Catherine Lebowitz Award for Public Service, to Habib Dagher, from the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce, Jan 19, 2012.


OceanEnergy Education Pioneer, to DeepCwind Communications/Education and Outreach Team, from OceanEnergy 2011, June 15, 2011.

The Maine Chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute Award for Innovative Uses of Construction Materials to the Advanced Structures and Composites Center, June 7, 2011.  

Jerry Saeman Award for Student Achievement in Wood Plastic Composites Research, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. student, for his poster presentation “Development of a scalable manufacturing process to dry cellulose nanofibril suspensions and characterization of the resulting nanofibrils” at the 11th International Wood and Biofiber Plastic Composites Conference, May 2011.

Society of Plastic Engineers, Honorable Mention, Challenge Grant Contest, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. student, for his research proposal “Cellulose Nanofibrils Reinforced Polyamide 6 Composites,” May 2011.

Society of Plastic Engineers, Honorable Mention, Challenge Grant Contest, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. student, for his research proposal “Carrier Systems for Cellulose Nanofibrils in Polymer Composites,” May 2011.  

University of Maine Undergraduate Research and Academic Showcase, 3rd place exhibit award, to Peter Drown and Rachael Joyce, undergraduate student aides, April 2011.  

University of Maine Undergraduate Research and Academic Showcase, 2nd place poster award, to Madeline Peek, undergraduate student aide, April 2011.  

American Society of Civil Engineers Pankow Award for Innovation,  presented to the Advanced Structures and Composites Center for its development of Bridge In A Backpack®k, March 31, 2011.

Society of Plastic Engineers, Honorable Mention, to Alper Kiziltas, Ph.D. student, for his poster “Functionalized carrier systems for cellulose nanofibrils designed for polypropylene composites,” presented at the Society’s Polymer Nanocomposites Conference, March 7-9, 2011, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.

Society of Plastic Engineers, Honorable Mention, to Yucheng Peng, Ph.D. student, for his poster “Hybrid silicate-inorganic wood composites,” presented at the Society’s Polymer Nanocomposites Conference, March 7-9, 2011, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.


Society of Wood Science and Technology, 2nd place George Marra Award, to Douglas J. Gardner and co-authors N.P.K. Nielsen, T. Poulsen, and C. Felby, for their paper “Importance of Temperature, Moisture Content, and Species of the Conversion Process of Wood Residues into Fuel Pellets,” presented at the Society’s 53rd Annual Convention, Geneva, Switzerland, Oct 11-15, 2010.

Healthy Air Leadership Award to the Advanced Structures and Composites Center, awarded by the American Lung Association in Maine, Oct 15, 2010.

Society of Wood Science and Technology 2nd place in student poster competition to Alper Kiziltas, graduate student, for his poster “Development of a Carrier System for Cellulose Nanofibrils in Polymer Composites,” at the Society’s 53rd Annual Convention Geneva, Switzerland, Oct 11-15, 2010.

Stillwater Presidential Award for exceptional contributions to the University of Maine, to Dr. Habib Dagher, Oct 1, 2010.

JEC Composites Innovation Award, finalist, to the Advanced Structures and Composite Center’s Bridge In A Backpack®, April 2010.

Society of Plastics Engineers, Poster Award, to graduate student Yucheng Peng, March 2010.  

American Composites Manufacturers Association, Infinite Possibilities Award to HC Beam, February 2010.  

American Composites Manufacturers Association, Most Creative Product Award to the Advanced Structures and Composites Center’s Bridge In A Backpack®February 2010.


Maine Development Foundation, Gold Star Award, for successful progress toward achievement of Maine’s R&D expenditures benchmark, September 2009.  

B.E.S.T. (bright, energetic, skilled, trail blazer) Award presented to Dr. Habib Dagher, Director, from Composites Manufacturing Magazine, September 2009.  

Ocean Energy Academic Pioneer Award, June 17, 2009, awarded at the OceanEnergy 2009 Conference.  

American Composites Manufacturers Association, Most Creative Product to the Advanced Structures and Composites Center’s blast resistant panels, January 16, 2009.

American Composites Manufacturers Association, Best Technical Paper, Green Composites Category, at ACMA’s annual conference, January 16, 2009, to Daniel Alvarez, graduate student, Dr. Habib Dagher, Director, civil engineering associate professors Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido and Dr. William Davids, and professor of wood science and technology Dr. Douglas Gardner for their paper Behavior of Natural-Fiber/Thermoplastic Sheet Piling.


Named Champion for Economic Development, Sept 18, 2008, by the Maine Development Foundation.

Society of Wood Science & Technology first prize in poster presentations to Gloria Oporto, graduate student, for her poster “Production and testing of wood plastic composites manufactured from hot water extracted wood,” SWST 51st Annual Convention, Concepcion, Chile, Nov 10-11, 2008.

2008 Forest Products Society L.J. Markward Award to Dr. Doug Gardner, Dr. Stephen Shaler, for their paper “Evaluation of Load Transfer in the Cellulosic-Fiber/Polymer Interphase Using a Micro-Raman Tensile Test” ( co-authors William Tze, Shane O’Neill, Carl Tripp), presented at 62nd Forest Products Society International Convention, June 23, 2008.

SAMPE 08 Conference, First Place for Outstanding Paper to Rodrigo Silva-Munoz, graduate student, and Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, faculty, for their paper “Monitoring of Marine Grade Composite Doubler-Plate Joists Using Embedded Fiber Optic Strain Sensors,” May 21, 2008.

Society of Plastics Engineers, First Prize for an outstanding poster at Polymer Nanocomposites 2008 to graduate students, Alper Kiziltas and Jason Stevens for their poster “Mechanical properties of thermoplastic polymer nanocomposite filled with cellulose crystals, ” March 5, 2008.


American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) People’s Choice Award for exhibiting the highest degree of design, innovation, creativity and the best use of composite materials  to Modular Ballistic Protection System. Oct 15, 2007.

American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) Best of Show Award, recognized as the highest composites industry award, for being the year’s finest product, to Modular Ballistic Protection System. Oct 15, 2007.


America’s Best Timber Bridges Award of Merit to the Milbridge Pier, designed by the UMaine Composites Center. This award program highlights the elegance, strength, economy and historical role of timber bridges. September 2005.

Anthony Viselli, student employee, was named the Student Employee of the Year at the University of Maine in its annual competition. Anthony then progressed to the competition for the Student Employee of the Year at Maine colleges and universities and was named Student Employee of the Year for the State of Maine. April 10, 2006.

University of Maine Student Research and Creative Achievement Week Poster Exhibition. First Place in Chemical Sciences division to Ph.D. student researcher Xuelian Zhang for her poster, Ultrasonic atomization of resin-adhesives in oriented strand board production; first place in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics division to student researcher Ken Fortier for his poster, DeltaPole triangular strand poles using southern pine wood species; and third place in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics division to M.S. student researcher Keenan Goslin for his poster, Development of modular ballistic protection system. April 24-25, 2006.

Second Place in the poster session of the Forest Products Society Annual Conference – Eastern Canada and Northeast U.S. Section to Xuelian Zhang for her poster, Ultrasonic atmonization of resin-adhesives in oriented strand board production. June 1-2, 2006.

Fulbright Scholar Award at Universidad de Chile, awarded by the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Spring Semester 2006 to faculty member, Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido.

Elvin Choong Lecture Series, Louisiana State University,invited presenter, Dr. Douglas Gardner, May 16, 2006.


America’s Best Timber Bridges Award of Merit to the Milbridge Pier, designed by the Advanced Structures and Composites Center. This award program highlights the elegance, strength, economy and historical role of timber bridges. September 2005.

Diogo Baptista, a graduate student in the Dept. of Forest Management and the UMaine Composites Center, received a third place award for a poster he presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Wood Science and Technology in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, has received a Fulbright Scholarship to lecture and do research at Universidad de Chile in Santiago, Chile, during the 2005- 2006 academic year.

Best Testing and Design Technical Paper Award at the annual convention of the American Composites Manufacturers Association. Contributors to the paper were Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, researcher, Fadi W. El-Chiti, graduate student and Habib Dagher, Director; co-authors were Lech Muszynski, formerly of the Center, presently Assistant Professor of Composites in the Department of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State University; Larry D. Thompson of Applied Thermal Sciences, Sanford, Maine; and Paul E. Hess of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock, Division.

1st Place, Oral Presentation (Molecular, Chemical, and Earth Science Catergory).  Graduate Research Exposition: 2005, Orono, ME.  April 11-12, 2005, Manufacture of Extruded Wood-Nylon Composites: Processing & Properties, by Shane O’Neill,Wood Plastic Composite Specialist.


2004 Markward Wood Engineering Award for the most outstanding research paper in the field of wood as an engineering material presented June 29, 2004 to Dr. Stephen Shaler, Associate Director, for his paper “Mechanical Properties of Individual Southern Pine Fibers. Part I. Determination and Variability of Stress-Strain Curves With Respect to Tree Height and Juvenility,” published in Wood and Fiber Science with co-authors L. Groom and L. Mott.

New England Board of Higher Education State Merit Award, Dr. Habib Dagher for excellence in higher education, February 27, 2004.


Presidential Research and Creative Achievement Award, Dr. Habib Dagher, from the University of Maine President, Robert Kennedy, 2003.

2003 from Mainebiz to Dr. Habib Dagher for being a successful Maine Leader shaping the state’s future and making a difference in its economy.

Governor’s Award for Accomplishment in Maine’s Natural Resource-Based Industry presented November 17, 2003 to the Advanced Structures and Composites Center for leadership in developing sustainable uses of Maine’s natural resources.

Mara Award First Place for excellence in writing and research from the Society for Wood Science and Technology to Research Associate L. Muszynski, L.F. Wang, and Assistant Director Dr. Stephen Shaler for their paper “Short Term creep tests on phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde(PRF) resin undergoing moisture content changes,” 2003.


2002 National Timber Bridge Award of Merit in the category of Rehabilitation of an Existing Bridge by APA – The Engineered Wood Association, American Institute for Timber Construction, USDA Forest Service, Federal Highway Administration, American Wood Preservers Institute and Roads and Bridges Magazine for replacement of an aging bridge utilizing new FRP reinforced glulam bridge deck on the Skidmore Bridge located in Union, Maine.

2002 National Timber Bridge First Place Award in the category of Rehabilitation of an Existing Bridge by APA – The Engineered Wood Association, American Institute for Timber Construction, USDA Forest Service, Federal Highway Administration, American Wood Preservers Institute and Roads and Bridges Magazine for rehabilitation of the historic Tohickon  Aqueduct with FRP glulam trusses.

2002 Award for Composites Excellence in the Market Expansion category from the Composites Fabricators Association for development of FRP Composite Drain for Highway Bridge Decks which exhibits the potential to produce the greatest ongoing impact to open and expand markets for composite fabricators.


Best Paper Award, Dr. Habib Dagher, IEEE Rural Electric Power Conference for “Reliability of poles in NESC  grade C construction,” May 2001.

Professor of the Year, 2000-2001, Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido. American Society of Engineers Student Chapter, University of Maine, May 2001.


1st Prize, Society of Wood Science and Technology Poster Competition, Wood Adhesives 2000 Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 2000, to Shane O’Neill, Laboratory Engineering Specialist, entitled “Effect of Various Chemical Additives on VOC Emissions from Southern Pine Flakeboard.”

Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research by Young Faculty. Dr. Roberto Lopez-Anido, College of Engineering, University of Maine, October 2000.