Recent News

Graphic of the VolturnUS floating platform with a blue layover with white text that says "UMAINE WINS $12.5 MILLION IN NATIONAL COMPETITION TO ADVANCE VOLTURNUS FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND TECHNOLOGY"

UMaine Wins $12.5 Million in National Competition to Advance VolturnUS Floating Offshore Wind Technology

The University of Maine (UMaine) has been selected to receive $12.5 million through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to advance the research and development of its VolturnUS + floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) technology. This funding, which was competed under the ARPA-E ATLANTIS program, will enable UMaine to continue innovating […]

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Five articles by ASCC researchers were published in May

UMaine research brings sustainable packaging hands-on activity to middle school curriculums A recent publication by Bangor, Maine middle school teacher & UMaine alum, Tracy N. Vassiliev, and University of Maine researchers, Dr. Douglas J. Gardner and Dr. David J. Neivandt was published in Science Activities on May 21, 2024. This article explores an innovative way […]

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UMaine announces floating offshore wind partnership with UK’s ORE Catapult, Innovate UK and NREL to advance US supply chains

The University of Maine Advanced Structures & Composite Center (ASCC) announced a new partnership with Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult and Innovate UK along with the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).   Up to five U.K. companies will be chosen to receive between £300,000 and £500,000 in grant funding to engage with the ASCC and […]

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Forecasting the Future: Rudy Alkarem’s Award-Winning Research on Predictive Digital Twins in Renewable Energy

Yuksel “Rudy” Alkarem, a doctoral candidate and research assistant at the ASCC, has won the Best Poster award at WindEurope’s Annual Event for his research; “On Building Predictive Digital Twin Incorporating Wave Predicting Capabilities: Case Study on UMaine Experimental Campaign – FOCAL,”. Alkarem, as well as researchers from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, […]

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Three articles by ASCC researchers were published in March

Ahmad & Gramlich publication on refining energy use in CNF production An article by ASCC researchers Dr. Ahmad A. L. Ahmad and Dr. William Gramlich was published in Cellulose on March 4, 2024. This paper shares methodology on pre-treatment to pulp in cellulose nanofibril (CNF) production. The goal of this research is to understand the […]

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New England Rail on track for a bright future!

The Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center (TIDC), housed within the ASCC, held its annual New England Railroad Symposium virtually on February 21st featuring presentations from a wide range of rail industry professionals including representatives from academia, industry, and government. This event received significant support and participation from the Maine Department of Transportation’s (MaineDOT) rail development & […]

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Global Secure Shipping wins Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award

Global Secure Shipping Inc. a spin-off company from the University of Maine Advanced Structures & Composites Center (ASCC), was awarded the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award from the Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce. The Old Town company is the globe’s sole producer of ISO-certified secure intermodal shipping containers. The one-of-a-kind shipping containers have six-sided intrusion detection, […]

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BioHome3D highlighted as a sustainable housing solution

The ASCC’s BioHome3D, the world’s largest bio-based 3D printed house printed on the world’s largest 3D printer, was highlighted in articles by MaineBiz, JEC, and the Concord Monitor. These articles, all highlighting the success of the project, are a testament to BioHome3D’s mission: to 3D print affordable housing solutions made out of bio-based wood materials.  […]

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