Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Author(s) | Research Area(s) | Keywords |
Predicting Wind Wave Suppression on Irregular Long Waves | 2020 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | Bailey, T. Ross, L. Bryant, M. Bryant, D. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Proceedings of Experimental Validation of a Spectral-based Structural Analysis Model Implemented in the Design of the VolturnUS 6MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine | 2017 | The 27th International Ocean & Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) | Allen, C. Viselli, A. Dagher, H. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Estimation of Extreme Wave and Wind Design Parameters for Offshore WindTurbines in the Gulf of Maine using a POT method. | 2015 | Ocean Engineering, Vol. 104 | Viselli, A. Forristall, G. Pearce, B. Dagher, H. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind significant wave height Wave Energy |
Model Test of a 1:8 Scale Floating Wind Turbine Offshore in the Gulf of Maine. | 2015 | Journal ofOffshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (ASME). Vol. 137. | Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. Dagher, H. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | design load cases DLCs scale model testing VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Gulf of Maine Extreme Wave and Wind Conditions (3) | 2014 | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering | Viselli, A. Pearce, B. Dagher, H. Forristall, G. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Wave Energy |
Methodology for wind/wave basin testing of floating offshore wind turbines | 2014 | Journal of
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Martin, H. Kimball, R. Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Special Section on Offshore Wind Energy | 2014 | J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 136(2) | Thiagarajan, K. Smith, C. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Gulf of Maine Extreme Wave and Wind Design Parameters for Offshore Wind Turbines (1) | 2013 | Ocean Engineering | Viselli, A. Pearce, B. Dagher, H. Forristall, G. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics of a circular disk oscillating near a
seabed | 2013 | Proceedings 32nd Int. Conf. Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. (OMAE 2013), Paper 11072 | Garrido-Mendoza, C. Souto-Iglesias, A. Thiagarajan, K. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Evaluating the Importance of Mooring Line Model Fidelity in Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Simulations | 2013 | Wind Energy | Hall, M. Buckham, B. Crawford, C. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |