Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Author(s) | Research Area(s) | Keywords |
Optimized Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Substructure Design Trends for 10–30 MW Turbines in Low-, Medium-, and High-Severity Wave Environments | 2024 | Designs | Joseph Habib Dagher Andrew J. Goupee Anthony M. Viselli | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | cost-reduction Floating Offshore Wind optimization Renewable Energy substructure trends VolturnUS |
Experimental investigation of advanced turbine control strategies and load-mitigation measures with a model-scale floating offshore wind turbine system | 2023 | Applied Energy | Wang, L. Bergua, R. Robertson, A. Wright, A. Zalkind, D. Fowler, M. Lenfest, E. Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. Kimball, R. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | damping floating Floating Offshore Wind Turbine VolturnUS |
1:70-Scale Model Testing of the Reference OpenSource Controller (ROSCO) on the IEA-Wind 15MW Reference Wind Turbine Including Floating Feedback | 2023 | ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference | Fowler, M. Lenfest, E. Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. Kimball, R. Zalkind, D. Wright, A. Bergua, R. Wang, L. Robertson, A. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Reference OpenSource Controller (ROSCO) Turbine VolturnUS |
1:52 Scale Testing of the First US Commercial Scale Floating Wind Turbine, VolturnUS: Testing Overview and the Evolution of Scale Model Testing Methods, OMAE201761864 | 2017 | ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering | Fowler, M. Goupee, A. J. Allen, C. Viselli, A. Dagher, H. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind VolturnUS |
Development of performance specifications for hybrid modeling of floating wind turbines in wave basin tests | 2017 | Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy | Hall, M. Goupee, A. J. Jonkman, J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS |
Proceedings of Experimental Validation of a Spectral-based Structural Analysis Model Implemented in the Design of the VolturnUS 6MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine | 2017 | The 27th International Ocean & Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) | Allen, C. Viselli, A. Dagher, H. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
VolturnUS 1:8: Conclusion of 18-months of Operation of the First Grid-Connected Floating Wind Turbine Prototype in the Americas | 2015 | Proceedings from the ASME 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering | Viselli, A. Dagher, H. Goupee, A. J. Allen, C. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | american bureau of shipping (ABS) Floating Offshore Wind VolturnUS |
Model Test of a 1:8 Scale Floating Wind Turbine Offshore in the Gulf of Maine. | 2015 | Journal ofOffshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (ASME). Vol. 137. | Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. Dagher, H. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | design load cases DLCs scale model testing VolturnUS Wave Energy |
VolturnUS 1:8-Scale FRP Floating Wind Turbine Tower: Analysis, Design, Testing and Performance | 2014 | ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering | Young, A. Hettick, S. Dagher, H. Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS |
Special Section on Offshore Wind Energy | 2014 | J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 136(2) | Thiagarajan, K. Smith, C. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind VolturnUS Wave Energy |