Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Author(s) | Research Area(s) | Keywords |
Assessment of the importance of mooring dynamics on the global response of the DeepCwind floating semi-submersible offshore wind turbine | 2013 | Proceedings of ISOPE 2013, The 23rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference | Masciola, M. Robertson, A. Jonkman, J. Coulling, A. J. Goupee A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
A comparison of calibration and validation of FAST code numerical models of the DeepCwind floating wind turbine systems with 1:50 scale tank data | 2013 | Proceedings of ISOPE 2013, The 23rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference | Jain, A. Robertson, A. Jonkman, J. Goupee, A. J. Swift, A. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering |
Importance of second-order difference-frequency wave-diffraction forces in the validation of a FAST semi-submersible floating wind turbine model | 2013 | Proceedings of OMAE 2013, ASME 32nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Coulling, A. J. Goupee, A. J. Robertson, A. Jonkman, J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Design and testing of scale model wind turbines for use in wind/wave basin model tests of floating offshore wind turbines | 2013 | Proceedings of OMAE 2013, ASME 32nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Fowler, M. Kimball, R. Thomas, D. A. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS |
Model test correlation study for a floating wind turbine on a tension leg platform | 2013 | Proceedings of OMAE 2013, ASME 32nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Koo, B. Goupee, A. J. Lambrakos, K. Lim, H. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Summary of conclusions and recommendations drawn from the DeepCwind scaled floating offshore wind system campaign | 2013 | Proceedings of OMAE 2013, ASME 32nd International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Robertson, A. Jonkman, J. Goupee, A. J. Coulling, A. J. Prowell, I. Browning, J. Masciola, M. Molta, P. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Nonlinear pitch decay of a floating offshore wind turbine structure, | 2013 | Proceedings 32nd Int. Conf. Ocean,
Offshore and Arctic Engng. (OMAE 2013), Paper 10244, Nantes, France. | Thiagarajan, K. Urbina, R. Hsu, W. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Structural Testing VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Numerical prediction of experimentally observed behavior of a scale model of an offshore wind turbine supported by a tension-leg platform | 2013 | Proceedings of the Offshore Technology Conference | Prowell, I. Robertson, A. Jonkman, J. Stewart, G. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | DeepCLidar Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Suction caissons for cross-flow tidal power system | 2013 | Geotechnical Engineering | Maynard, M. Schneider, J. McEntee, J. Newberg, E. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Heading instability of moored ships in long waves | 2013 | Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 120 | Thiagarajan, K. Tian, Z. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Ocean Engineering |