Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Author(s) | Research Area(s) | Keywords |
A Comparison of Platform Options for Deepwater Floating Offshore Vertical Axis Wind Turbines: An Initial Study | 2014 | Sandia Report | Bull, D. Goupee, A. J. Fowler, M. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering |
Hydrodynamic Module Coupling in the Offshore Wind Energy Simulation (OWENS) Toolkit | 2014 | Proceedings of the ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2014) | Fowler, M. Owens, B. C. Goupee, A. J. Hurtado, J. E. Griffith, D. T. Alves, M. Bull, D. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering |
Hydrodynamics-Based Platform Optimization for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: a Basis Function
Approach | 2014 | Renewable Energy 66 | Hall, M. Buckham, B. Crawford, C. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering |
Snap loads on mooring lines of a floating offshore wind turbine structure | 2014 | Proceedings 33rd Int. Conf. Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. (OMAE 2014), Paper 23587, San Francisco, USA. | Hsu, W. Thiagarajan, K. Hall, M. MacNicoll, M. Akers, R. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind |
Methodology for wind/wave basin testing of floating offshore wind turbines | 2014 | Journal of
Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Martin, H. Kimball, R. Viselli, A. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS Wave Energy |
Special Section on Offshore Wind Energy | 2014 | J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. 136(2) | Thiagarajan, K. Smith, C. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind VolturnUS Wave Energy |
VolturnUS 1:8 – design and testing of the first grid-connected offshore wind turbine in the U.S.A. | 2014 | Proceedings of the 19th Offshore Symposium sponsored by The Texas Section of SNAME, Houston, Texas, February 6, 2014. Best Paper Award. | Viselli, A. Dagher, H. Goupee, A. J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering VolturnUS |
Gulf of Maine Extreme Wave and Wind Design Parameters for Offshore Wind Turbines (1) | 2013 | Ocean Engineering | Viselli, A. Pearce, B. Dagher, H. Forristall, G. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Numerical simulation of hydrodynamics of a circular disk oscillating near a
seabed | 2013 | Proceedings 32nd Int. Conf. Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. (OMAE 2013), Paper 11072 | Garrido-Mendoza, C. Souto-Iglesias, A. Thiagarajan, K. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering Wave Energy |
Validation of a FAST Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine Numerical Model with DeepCwind Test Data | 2013 | Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy | Coulling, A. J. Robertson, A. Goupee, A. J. Dagher, H. Jonkman, J. | Offshore Wind & Coastal Resiliency | Floating Offshore Wind Ocean Engineering |