Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Author(s) | Research Area(s) | Keywords |
Cellulose nanofibrils with and without nanosilica for the performance enhancement of Portland cement systems | 2021 | Construction and Building Materials | Kamasamudram, K. Ashraf, W. Landis, E. N. | Material Development & Characterization | cellulose nanofibrils CNF nanosilica |
Aqueous Polymer Modification of Cellulose Nanofibrils by Grafting-Through a Reactive Methacrylate Group | 2021 | Macromolecular Rapid Communications | Kelly, P. V. Cheng, P. Gardner D. J. Gramlich, W. M. | Material Development & Characterization | cellulose nanofibrils CNF IR spectrosopy polymerization |
Cellulose Nanocomposites for Performance Enhancement of Ordinary Portland Cement-Based Materials | 2020 | Transportation Research Record | Kamasamudram, K. Ashraf, W. Landis, E. N. | Wood Composites | CNF Composite Materials Nanocellulose Wood Composites |
Dewatering Behavior of a Wood-Cellulose Nanofibril Particulate System | 2019 | Scientific Reports | Amini, E. Tajvidi, M. Bousfield, D. Gardner, D. J. Shaler, S. | Wood Composites | cellulose nanofibrils CNF |
An Investigation on the Effects of Cellulose Nano-Fibrils (CNF) on the Performance of Cement Paste and Concrete (3) | 2019 | Advances in Civil Engineering Materials | Haddad Kolour, H. Ahmed, M. Alyaseen, E. Landis, E. N. | Transportation Infrastrucutre Durability | bridges cellulose nanofibrils CNF |
Fully Bio-Based Hybrid Composites Made of Wood, Fungal Mycelium and Cellulose Nanofibrils | 2019 | Scientific Reports | Gardner, D. J. Tajvidi, M. Hunt, C. McIntyre, G. | Wood Composites | cellulose nanofibrils CNF hybrid composites Scanning electron microscopy Wood Composites |
An Investigation on the Effects of Cellulose Nano-Fibrils (CNF) on the Performance of Cement Paste and Concrete (2) | 2018 | Advances in Civil Engineering Materials | Haddad Kolour, H. Ahmed, M. Alyaseen, E. Landis, E. N. | Material Development & Characterization | cellulose nanofibrils CNF compressive strength |
An Investigation on the Effects of Cellulose Nano-Fibrils (CNF) on the Performance of Cement Paste and Concrete (1) | 2018 | Advances in Civil Engineering Materials | Haddad Kolour, H. Ahmed, M. Alyaseen, E. Landis, E. N. | Structural Testing | cellulose nanofibrils CNF Concrete |
Biopolymer nanocomposites of polyhydroxybutyrate and cellulose nanofibrils: Effects of cellulose nanofibril loading levels (2) | 2002 | Journal Of Composite Materials | Aydemir, D. Gardner, D. J. | Material Development & Characterization | biopolymer nanocomposites BNCs cellulose nanofibrils CNF |