Title | Publication Date | Publication Name | Author(s) | Research Area(s) | Keywords |
Overview of the finite element techniques and models for wood fracture mechanics (1) | 2004 | Wood Science and Technology | Vasic, S. Smith, I. Landis, E. N. | Wood Composites | Composite Materials Structural Testing Wood Composites |
Fatigue Studies of FRP Composite Decks at Extreme Environmental Conditions | 2004 | Key Engineering Materials | Shin, D. H. Lopez-Anido, R. Dutta, P. K. Kwon, S. C. Eum, S. H. Kim, Y. H. | Wood Composites | Bridge Composite Materials Environmental Analysis Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) Infrastructure Durability Nanocellulose Structural Testing Wood Composites |
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite-Wood Pile Interface Characterization by Push-Out Tests | 2004 | Journal of Composites for Construction | Michael, A. P. Lopez-Anido, R. Sandford, T. C. | Wood Composites | Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) Nanocellulose Wood Composites |
Electrochemical Study of 2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid and Its Interaction with Cu(II) and H2O2 in Aqueous Solutions: Implications for Wood Decay (2) | 2004 | Environmental science & technology | Amirbahman, A. Goodell, B. Jellison, J. Lui, R. | Wood Composites | Wood Composites |
Microfibril angle variation in red pine (Pines resinosa Ait.) and its relation to the strength and stiffness of early juvenile wood | 2004 | Forest products journal | Takele, D. Shaler, S. M. Sheppard, R. K. | Wood Composites | Structural Testing Wood Composites |
Assessment of Wood Pile Deterioration due to Marine Organisms | 2004 | Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering | Michael, A. P. Goodell, B. Lopez-Anido, R. Sandford, T. C. | Wood Composites | Environmental Analysis Nanocellulose Wood Composites |
Freeze-thaw resistance of fiber-reinforced polymer composites adhesive bonds with underwater curing epoxy (1) | 2004 | Journal of materials in civil engineering | Michael, A. P. Lopez-Anido, R. Sandford, T. C. | Wood Composites | Composite Materials Environmental Analysis Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) Nanocellulose Structural Testing Wood Composites |
Bonding of wood fiber composites using a synthetic chelator-lignin activation system | 2004 | Forest | Amirbahman, A. Gardner, D. J. Shaler, S. M. Yelle, D. Winistofer, P. Goodell, B. | Wood Composites | Composite Materials Nanocellulose Wood Composites |
Carbon fiber-vinyl ester composite reinforcement of wood using the VARTM/SCRIMPP fabrication process | 2004 | Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing | Pirvu, A. Gardner, D. J. Lopez-Anido, R. | Wood Composites | Composite Materials Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) Nanocellulose Wood Composites |
Setting the research agenda for wood – If not now, when? | 2004 | Wood and Fiber Science | Zink-Sharp, A. Stokke, D. D. Shaler, S. M. Wolcott, M. P. Smith, P. M. | Wood Composites | Composite Materials Mass Timber Nanocellulose Wood Composites |