UMaine Research Featured in U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Vision Report

DOE Wind VisionThe University of Maine’s offshore wind research efforts were described in a recent report issued by the U.S. Department of Energy called “Wind Vision: A New Era For Wind Power in the United States.” The DeepCwind Consortium and the VolturnUS 1:8 are described in Chapter 2 of the report which details the role universities play in leading research in the United States’ offshore wind industry.

From the U.S. Department of Energy:

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Wind and Water Power Technologies Office has conducted a comprehensive analysis to evaluate future pathways for the wind industry. Through a broad-based collaborative effort, the Wind Vision analysis includes four principal objectives:

1. Documentation of the current state of wind power in the United States and identification of key technological and societal accomplishments over the decade leading up to 2014;
2. Exploration of the potential pathways for wind power to contribute to the future electricity needs of the nation, including objectives such as reduced carbon emissions, improved air quality, and reduced water use;
3. Quantification of costs, benefits, and other impacts associated with continued deployment and growth of U.S. wind power; and

4. Identification of actions and future achievements that could support continued growth in the use and application of wind-generated electricity

Click to visit the U.S. Department of Energy’s website to access the full report.