Lignocellulose oxidation by low molecular weight metal-binding compounds isolated from wood degrading fungi: A comparison of brown rot and white rot systems and the potential application of chelator-mediated Fenton reactions
Published: 2002
Publication Name: Progress in Biotechnology
This review focuses on the non-enzymatic mechanisms employed by brown rot fungi in the biodegradation of wood. Specifically we review a hypothesis for a system employing fungal produced catecholates and their function in chelator-mediated Fenton chemistry. This system would allow the production of hydroxyl radicals within the wood cell wall to in-part mimic the action of brown rot fungi. Similarities and differences between brown rot fungi, white rot fungi, and molds are discussed with regard to pH modification of wood as well as the types of low molecular weight chelators produced. Potential application of the chelator-mediated Fenton system chemistry in remediation and paper recycling are discussed.