Maine Aqua Ventus February Newsletter
Click here to view the Maine Aqua Ventus February Newsletter.
Maine Aqua Ventus I, GP, LLC, is leading a demonstration project called New England Aqua Ventus I, a 12 MW floating offshore wind pilot project to develop a clean, renewable energy source off Maine’s shores. In an ongoing effort to continue to share project milestones with communities and key stakeholders, MAV has launched a newsletter to ensure continued dialogue and information sharing as they work toward a planned 2019 deployment.
Maine Aqua Ventus February Newsletter Highlights:
NEPA Public Scoping Sessions
Beginning later this month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will begin the NEPA Public Scoping Sessions, a federal funding requirement. DOE is requesting public input on defining the scope of environmental impacts and issues to be addressed in the DOE Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project. The public scoping process is the second of six key steps in the NEPA process, and offers an opportunity for public comments and consultations with regulatory agencies. We expect a decision on the NEPA issues by DOE in early 2018. If you would like to offer a public comment, please visit the DOE NEPA webpage for full instructions.
UMaine Deepwater Offshore Wind Test Site at Monhegan Island
The University of Maine website on the UMaine Deepwater Offshore Wind Test Site provides a site overview, environmental data, permitting, and technical details. The test site, established in 2009 by the state legislature, is one of the most extensively studied sites in the Gulf of Maine. Learn more about test site at:
Our Commitment to Island and Coastal Communities
NEAV I is designed to meet the objectives of the Ocean Energy Act and Maine legislation to yield tangible economic benefits for Maine, and to lead to even larger-scale, more cost-effective offshore wind developments in Maine and markets worldwide. We are committed to responsible offshore wind development in a manner that includes involvement and guidance by local communities and marine users.
We understand the economic and cultural significance of our coastal and island communities and neighboring waters. Our measured and informed approach to offshore wind development is intended to minimize potential risks or adverse effects on existing industries and the natural environment.
As a result, we are committed that future use of UMaine’s VolturnUS floating technology in commercial projects will be located more than 10 miles from Monhegan Island, other inhabited Maine islands, and the mainland coast.
Project Timeline
Since 2010, the Monhegan Test Site has been monitored and studied extensively, resulting in more than 5 years of baseline ecological data, with additional studies planned for this spring.
Project design as well as associated construction, operation and maintenance, grid interconnection, and financial plans will be completed within the year. Initial platform fabrication is slated to begin in 2018, and commercial operation in the UMaine Deepwater Offshore Wind Test Site is planned for 2019.
Monhegan Energy Task Force
The Monhegan Energy Task Force was charged by Monhegan Plantation to represent Monhegan in communications and negotiations with Maine Aqua Ventus regarding all aspects of the proposed offshore wind project, including the planning, construction, operation, and decommissioning phases. METF maintains a website with more details at: