ASCC researcher, Dr. Douglas Gardner, reaches 11,000 journal citations
Orono, Maine — Dr. Douglas Gardner’s publications have surpassed 11,000 citations in other works! This follows Dr. Gardner’s identification, along with two other ASCC researchers, as among the top 2% of scientists worldwide based on c-score. Gardner’s research focuses on polymer and interfacial science aspects of wood-polymer composite materials, adhesion and surface science, cellulose nanocomposites and extruded wood plastic composites, and additive manufacturing. Garner’s work comprises over 230 technical publications, 140 research presentations, and 5 patents.
Beyond his work at the ASCC, Dr. Garner is a professor and program leader of Sustainable Materials Technology in the School of Forest Resources, as well as a Fellow and Past-President of the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST). He also serves on the editorial advisory board of Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives. Gardner has been the recipient of many awards and recognitions, including the 2017 1st Place George Marra Award of Excellence and the G. Pierce and Florence Pitts Weber Outstanding Researcher in Forest Resource Award in 2004-2005, 2011-2012, and 2018-2019.
To read more about Dr. Gardner’s work and credentials, visit this link.
Contact: Grace Bradley, grace.a.bradley@maine.edu