MDF Legislative Bus Tour Visits UMaine Composites Center
On January 11, 2017, more than 70 members of the 128th Maine Legislature toured the UMaine Advanced Structures and Composites Center as part of the Maine Development Foundation’s Legislative Bus Tour. The tour focused on composites applications in infrastructure, forestry and forest products, and ocean engineering. The group also toured the Forest Bioproducts Research Institute and the Process Development Center, and viewed a presentation by College of Engineering Dean Dana Humphrey on Engineering Teaching and Education as applied to Maine’s economy.
From the Maine Development Foundation:
“The Legislative Bus Tour is a key component of the Policy Leaders Academy program. Over the course of three days, we bring legislators into Maine businesses, nonprofits, and communities to see firsthand the growth opportunities and challenges those regions face. The tour broadens legislators’ understanding of economic issues in regions outside their districts. It is also an opportunity to relax and build relationships with colleagues as we provide networking and social opportunities as well as arts and entertainment from Maine’s communities.”